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Enroll Your Child In Our Daycare

Great Teachers

We have expert child care providers . 

Creative Lessons

We provide creative lessons. 

Active Learning

We follow active learning curriculum .

Best Environment

We have healthy and family environment for all of our children. 

Welcome toLittle Angel Daycare

At Little Angel Daycare, we believe that children grow, learn, and thrive by feeling safe, loved, and nurtured. It is our goal to provide an environment that makes children feel welcomed and at home. In our program, children will feel genuinely cared for and cherished.

Director - Sagrario Mateo

Happy Children , Happy Parents

Our Activities

Our Best Services For Your Kids

Science and Math

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Bus Service

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Sports Training

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Music Training

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Outing Service

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Language course

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School Classes

Our Weekly Classes For Your Kids

Infants Learning

Our infant rooms care for children ages 6 weeks to 16 months and offer flexibility and individualization.

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Toddler Classes

Our toddler rooms serve children ages 16 months to 32 months and offer age-appropriate activities.

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Early Preschool

Our preschool program serves ages 33 months to 6 years and aims to create life-long learners.

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Aftercare Classes

Our afterschool program serves all ages and aims to encourage continues learning.

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Teachers Staff

Meet Our Teachers & Office Staff